Leica ScanStation C10 Lidar


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Leica ScanStation C10 Lidar Laser Scanner Kit for sale

Leica ScanStation C10

The versatile Leica ScanStation C10 includes a high-accuracy/long-range scanner, tilt sensor, battery, controller, data storage, auto-adjusting video camera and laser plummet all in one compact, portable instrument. The ScanStation C10 also features major productivity advances, including a Smart X-Mirror™ design that lets users conduct full-dome scans in literally a few minutes using a spinning mirror or conduct small area scans efficiently with Smart X-Mirror’s oscillating mode.

With up to 300m range and unequalled versatility for site, exterior, and interior applications, the Leica ScanStation C10 makes High-Definition Surveying™ (HDS™) profitable for even more as-built, topographic, incident scene, and monitoring surveys.

The ScanStation C10 platform represents the most capabilities and best value packed into a single laser scanner instrument. Users can take advantage of surveyor-friendly, onboard total station-like control or use an external laptop for even more powerful, onsite viewing and data processing.

Unprecedented Versatility

ScanStation C10 combines all-in-one portability with the ability of users to traverse, resection or use scan targets for maximum flexibility in dealing with site logistics. Full 360º x 270º field-of-view, high accuracy, long range (300m @90% reflectivity), and high scan speed (50k pts/sec) add to ScanStation C10’s position as the industry’s most versatile scanner.

Major Productivity Advances

ScanStation is faster than its predecessor ScanSation 2 in many ways. It does full dome scans up to 10X faster – now, less than 2 minutes for a typical room. It also conducts general 360º and focused areas scans faster, can be setup & moved faster, lets users locate targets, register & geo-reference faster, and lets users check scan results faster.

Valuable Cost Savings

ScanStation is easy to learn, with a total station-like interface and intuitive, onboard graphic color touch screen display. It is also incrementally upgradeable over time, uses standard total station batteries, and features fewer accessories – all of this contributes to a reduced cost of ownership.

This Kit Includes:

Leica Scan Station C10 Laser Scanner
Tribach without optical plummet
5x GEB242 Lithium-Ion Battery
1x GKL341 Charger Prof 5000, Charges up to 4 Batteries. Power Cable Included
3x GZT21 Scanning Target with soft case
System CD ROM
Hard Transport Case

Leica ScanStation C10 Lidar


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