Rohde & Schwarz FSV40-N 40GHz Signal Spectrum Analyzer


Up to 16 markers
Marker measurement functions such as AM modulation factor, TOI, phase noise/noise, frequency counter
Up to six simultaneously active traces with any combination of detectors
Selectable number of sweep points (up to 32001)
Peak list for evaluating up to 100 peaks at the press of a key
Limit lines for PASS/FAIL monitoring
Transducer factors


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Rohde & Schwarz FSV40-N 40GHz Signal Spectrum Analyzer

The R&S®FSV is an exceptionally fast and versatile signal and spectrum analyzer for performanceoriented, cost-conscious users working in the development, production, installation and servicing of RF systems.


In development applications, the R&S®FSV excels due to its outstanding RF properties, a 160 MHz signal analysis bandwidth that is unmatched in its class, and a wide range of analysis packages for analog modulation methods as well as wireless and wideband communications standards.

The R&S®FSV is five times faster than comparable signal and spectrum analyzers and provides measurement routines that are optimized for speed and high data throughput. This is a crucial advantage in production applications.

With its touchscreen for easy operation, compact dimensions, low weight and direct support of power sensors, the R&S®FSV is the best possible choice for installation and service work.


Ready for tomorrow’s standards

Featuring a signal analysis bandwidth of up to 160 MHz – the largest in its class – the R&S®FSV is a sound investment, ready for the future. The R&S®FSV has what is needed to analyze and demodulate existing and future communications standards.


Fully digital back-end ensures high measurement accuracy and excellent repeatability

28 MHz signal analysis bandwidth with base unit; 40 MHz and 160 MHz optional
16-bit A/D converter with 128 MHz sampling frequency for wide dynamic range and excellent display linearity
200 Msample signal memory for largest memory depth in its class
High measurement accuracy and good repeatability with digitally implemented analysis filters

160 MHz signal analysis bandwidth largest in its class; suitable for WLAN IEEE802.11ac

Wireless communications systems are using ever larger RF bandwidths in their quest to boost data rates and transmission capacity. Due to its large signal analysis bandwidth and wealth of software options, the R&S®FSV signal and spectrum analyzer is the only instrument in its class that can handle all existing and most forthcoming wireless communications applications.


Largest I/Q memory depth in its class for recording long signal sequences

The base unit of the R&S®FSV provides an I/Q memory depth of 200 Msample. This ensures data recording over a long time period even when testing systems with high bandwidths and high sample rates. Conventional signal analyzers have an I/Q memory depth of only a few Msample.

The R&S®FSV is ideally suited for performing wideband modulation measurements during the development and production of chipsets and terminal equipment as well as in the development, maintenance and installation of infrastructures.

Rohde & Schwarz FSV40-N Signal & Spectrum Analyzer

Low test costs and high throughput for efficient production

The R&S®FSV signal and spectrum analyzer significantly reduces the testing time and expense in a production environment. It performs everything from simple measurements to complex modulation analyses quickly, reliably and with low measurement uncertainty.

Fast access to I/Q data with a wide bandwidth allows the speedy execution of complex evaluation routines in an external computer and the use of the R&S®FSV as a fast digitizer with a wide dynamic range for fast, flexible and efficient production.

Rohde & Schwarz FSV40-N Signal & Spectrum Analyzer

Up to five times faster than other signal and spectrum analyzers

With more than 500 sweep/s in manual operation and up to 1000 sweep/s in remote operation, the R&S®FSV is up to five times faster than other signal and spectrum analyzers. This high measurement speed cuts production time, especially in cases that require the averaging of a large number of measurements (as specified in many standards).


Customized test routines for production applications

The R&S®FSV also offers a number of functions that speed up test routines, shorten alignment and measurement time and increase the overall throughput:

Frequency list mode (LIST MODE): fast measurement on up to 300 different frequencies using different analyzer settings with a single remote control command
Measurement of different power levels in the time domain in a single sweep for very fast alignment (multisummary marker)
Fast ACP measurement in the time domain using channel filters or in the frequency domain using FFT sweep
Frequency counter with 0.1 Hz resolution at a measurement time of < 50 ms
Fast FFT sweep mode for accelerated spurious measurements and spurious searches due to fast sweep times, particularly with narrow resolution bandwidths and simultaneously large spans

Efficient operation via remote control

Gbit LAN interface for quickly transferring large quantities of data
Trigger interface for synchronization with the production system in LIST MODE

Wealth of functions and performance for effective use in labs


Outstanding RF performance for a mid-range analyzer

Displayed average noise level (DANL): –155 dBm (1 Hz) at 1 GHz, –147 dBm (1 Hz) at 30 GHz
Very low DANL even at 9 kHz: typ. –140 dBm (1 Hz)
Third order intercept (TOI) of 15 dBm, typ. 18 dBm
Phase noise at 10 kHz offset from carrier: –106 dBc (1 Hz), typ. –110 dBc (1 Hz)
Dynamic range for WCDMA ACLR: 73 dB
Resolution bandwidths from 1 Hz to 10 MHz, as well as 20 MHz and 28 MHz in zero span mode (40 MHz optional)

Unsurpassed level measurement accuracy up to 7 GHz

The R&S®FSV is a leader when it comes to level measurement accuracy. Featuring a measurement uncertainty of 0.4 dB up to 7 GHz, the analyzer delivers accurate and dependable measurement results. This means that the R&S®FSV can also measure levels in the 5.8 GHz ISM band and higher satellite bands with outstanding accuracy, eliminating the need for an additional power meter in many cases. When equipped with the R&S®FSV-K9 option, the R&S®FSV also supports the direct connection of R&S®NRP-Zxx power sensors.

This increases the accuracy for power measurements in applications requiring extremely high precision and saves the expense of an additional power meter. The R&S®NRP-Z27/ R&S®NRP-Z37 power sensors contain an integrated power splitter so that the power sensor and the R&S®FSV signal and spectrum analyzer can measure the same signal in parallel without any switching required.


Power measurement functions for the analysis of digital communications systems

Rohde & Schwarz FSV40-N 40GHz Signal Spectrum Analyzer

Comprehensive power measurement functions are an absolute must when analyzing digital communications systems:

Channel/adjacent channel power measurements
Up to 12 user channels and up to 12 adjacent channels
Numerous predefined test configurations for transmission standards
Occupied bandwidth (OBW)
Spectrum emission mask measurement
Complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF)
Burst power measurement
Spurious emissions
C/N and C/N0
Complete selection of detectors: RMS, average, auto peak, pos./neg. peak, sample, quasi peak

Versatile marker and trace functions

Up to 16 markers
Marker measurement functions such as AM modulation factor, TOI, phase noise/noise, frequency counter
Up to six simultaneously active traces with any combination of detectors
Selectable number of sweep points (up to 32001)
Peak list for evaluating up to 100 peaks at the press of a key
Limit lines for PASS/FAIL monitoring
Transducer factors

Rohde & Schwarz FSV40-N 40GHz Signal Spectrum Analyzer


Frequency range 10 Hz to 40 GHz
Aging of frequency reference 1 × 10
Resolution bandwidths standard sweep: 1 Hz to 10 MHz
standard sweep, zero span: 1 Hz to 10 MHz, 20 MHz, 28 MHz, 40 MHz optional
FFT sweep: 1 Hz to 300 kHz
channel filter: 100 Hz to 5 MHz
EMI filter: 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, 1 MHz
Video filter 1 Hz to 10 MHz, 20 MHz, 28 MHz, 40 MHz
Signal analysis bandwidth 28 MHz
Displayed average noise level (DANL)
DANL (1 Hz bandwidth) 1 GHz –152 dBm, typ. –155 dBm
3 GHz –150 dBm, typ. –153 dBm
7 GHz –146 dBm, typ. –149 dBm
13 GHz –148 dBm, typ. –151 dBm
30 GHz –144 dBm, typ. –147 dBm
40 GHz –136 dBm, typ. –139 dBm
Third order intercept (TOI) f < 3.6 GHz +13 dBm, typ. +16 dBm
3.6 GHz to 30 GHz +15 dBm, typ. +18 dBm
Dynamic range WCDMA ACLR without noise compensation 70 dB
with noise compensation 73 dB
Phase noise
1 GHz carrier frequency 10 kHz offset from carrier –106 dBc (1 Hz), typ. –110 dBc (1 Hz)
100 kHz offset from carrier –115 dBc (1 Hz)
1 MHz offset from carrier –134 dBc (1 Hz)
Total measurement uncertainty 3.6 GHz 0.29 dB
7 GHz 0.39 dB

Rohde & Schwarz FSV40-N 40GHz Signal Spectrum Analyzer


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