Anritsu S412E LMR Master Spectrum Analyzer w Opts 2531431501591592


features are:

2-Port Cable & Antenna and distance domain analysis: 500 kHz to 1.6 GHz (User may also select the more flexible Vector Network Analyzer display)
Spectrum Analyzer: 9 kHz to 1.6 GHz
CW/FM/AM Signal Generator: 500 kHz to 1.6 GHz
Power Meter: 9 kHz to 1.6 GHz
Narrowband FM Analysis: Received Power, Carrier Frequency, Frequency Error, Deviation, Modulation Rate, SINAD, THD, CTCSS, DCS, and DTMF.
Auto Scan locks on to unidentified FM signal sources between 10 MHz and 1.6 GHz.
Indoor Coverage Mapping of RSSI and transmitter SINAD is standard on the LMR Master.
Outdoor Coverage Mapping is available with the optional GPS Receiver.

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Anritsu S412E LMR Master Spectrum Analyzer

The LMR Master S412E is a compact handheld multi-function analyzer that has been specifically developed for technicians and engineers who install and maintain public safety, utility and private mobile communications systems. LMR Master is a highly-integrated rugged handheld instrument that offers unmatched measurement breadth, depth, and precision while reducing the number of different instruments needed to verify operation and diagnose problems. LMR Master is the only truly portable solution for analysis and mapping of P25, TETRA, DMR, ITCR and ACSES Positive Train Control, and FirstNet Public Safety LTE


Anritsu S412E LMR Master

features are:

2-Port Cable & Antenna and distance domain analysis: 500 kHz to 1.6 GHz (User may also select the more flexible Vector Network Analyzer display)
Spectrum Analyzer: 9 kHz to 1.6 GHz
CW/FM/AM Signal Generator: 500 kHz to 1.6 GHz
Power Meter: 9 kHz to 1.6 GHz
Narrowband FM Analysis: Received Power, Carrier Frequency, Frequency Error, Deviation, Modulation Rate, SINAD, THD, CTCSS, DCS, and DTMF.
Auto Scan locks on to unidentified FM signal sources between 10 MHz and 1.6 GHz.
Indoor Coverage Mapping of RSSI and transmitter SINAD is standard on the LMR Master.
Outdoor Coverage Mapping is available with the optional GPS Receiver.

LMR site technicians and engineers can use the LMR Master to accurately and quickly test and verify the installation and commissioning of base stations, mobiles, and portables. The LMR Master is equally suited for preventative maintenance and troubleshooting to help ensure the operation of wireless network infrastructures, including broadband and microwave backhaul systems.

Anritsu S412E LMR Master

Smart Measurements Field Strength (uses antenna calibration tables to measure dBm/m2 or dBmV/m)
Occupied Bandwidth (measures 99% to 1% power channel of a signal)
Channel Power (measures the total power in a specified bandwidth)
ACPR (Adjacent Channel Power Ratio)
AM/FM/SSB Audio Demodulation (Wide/Narrow FM, AM, Upper/Lower SSB)
C/I (carrier-to-interference ratio)
Emission Mask
Coverage Mapping (requires option 431)
Setup Parameters Frequency: Center/Start/Stop, Span, Frequency Step, Signal Standard, Channel #, Channel Increment
Amplitude: Reference Level (RL), Scale, Attenuation Auto/Level, RL Offset, Pre-Amp On/Off,
Span: Span, Span Up/Down (1-2-5), Full Span, Zero Span, Last Span
Bandwidth: RBW, Auto RBW, VBW, Auto VBW, RBW/VBW, Span/RBW
File: Save, Save-on-Event, Recall, Copy, Delete
Save: Setups, Measurements, Screen Shots (JPEG), Limit Lines, Spurious Emission Mask
Save-on-Event: Crossing Limit Line, Sweep Complete, Save-then-Stop, Clear All
Recall: Setups, Measurements, Limit Lines, Spurious Emission Mask
Copy: Selected file or files to internal/external memory (USB)
Delete: Selected file or files from internal/external memory (USB)
Application Options: Bias-Tee On/Off, Impedance (50 , 75 , Other)
Sweep Functions Sweep: Single/Continuous, Manual Trigger, Reset, Detection, Minimum Sweep Time, Trigger Type
Detection: Peak, RMS, Negative, Sample, Quasi-peak
Triggers: Free Run, External, Video, Change Position, Manual
Trace Functions Traces: Up to three Traces (A, B, C), View/Blank, Write/Hold, Trace A/B/C Operations
Trace A Operations: Normal, Max Hold, Min Hold, Average, # of Averages, (always the live trace)
Trace B Operations: A B, B  C, Max Hold, Min Hold
Trace C Operations: A  C, B  C, Max Hold, Min Hold, A – B  C, B – A  C, Relative Reference (dB), Scale
Marker Functions MarkersMarkers: 1-6 each with a Delta Marker, or Marker 1 Reference with Six Delta Markers, Marker Table On/Off, All Markers Off
Marker Types: Style (Fixed/Tracking), Noise Marker, Frequency Counter Marker, Marker Auto-Position Peak Search, Next Peak (Right/Left), Peak Threshold %, Set Marker to Channel, Marker Frequency to Center, Delta Marker to Span, Marker to Reference Level
Marker Table: 1-6 markers frequency and amplitude plus delta markers frequency offset and amplitude
Limit Line Functions Limit Lines: Upper/Lower, On/Off, Edit, Move, Envelope, Advanced, Limit Alarm, Default Limit
Limit Line Edit: Frequency, Amplitude, Add Point, Add Vertical, Delete Point, Next Point Left/Right
Limit Line Move: To Current Center Frequency, By dB or Hz, To Marker 1, Offset from Marker 1
Limit Line Envelope: Create Envelope, Update Amplitude, Points (41 max), Offset, Shape Square/Slope
Limit Line Advanced: Type (Absolute/Relative), Mirror, Save/Recall
Frequency Frequency Range: 9 kHz to 1.6 GHz, (6 GHz with Option 6)
Tuning Resolution: 1 Hz
Frequency Reference Aging: ± 1.0 ppm/year
Frequency Reference Accuracy: ± 120 ppb (25 °C ± 25 °C) + aging, < 50 ppb + aging with GPS lock
Frequency Span: 10 Hz to 1.6 GHz including zero span (10 Hz to 6 GHz with Option 6)
Sweep Time: 100 ms min, 7 s to 3600 seconds in zero span
Sweep Time Accuracy: ± 2% in zero span
Bandwidth Resolution Bandwidth (RBW): 10 Hz to 3 MHz in 1–3 sequence ± 10% (1 MHz max in zero-span) (–3 dB bandwidth)
Video Bandwidth (VBW): 1 Hz to 3 MHz in 1–3 sequence (–3 dB bandwidth) (auto or manually selectable)RBW with Quasi-Peak Detection: 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz (–6 dB bandwidth)
VBW with Quasi-Peak Detection: Auto VBW is On, RBW/VBW = 1
Spectral Purity SSB Phase Noise: @ 1 GHz–100 dBc/Hz, –110 dBc/Hz typical @ 10 kHz offset
–105 dBc/Hz, –112 dBc/Hz typical @ 100 kHz offset
–115 dBc/Hz, –121 dBc/Hz typical @ 1 MHz offset
Amplitude Ranges Dynamic Range: > 95 dB (2.4 GHz), 2/3 (TOI-DANL) in 10 Hz RBW
Measurement Range: DANL to +26 dBm (≥50 MHz)
DANL to 0 dBm (< 50 MHz)
RF In Port Damage Level: +33 dBm peak, ± 50 VDC, Maximum Continuous Input ( 10 dB attenuation)Display Range: 1 to 15 dB/div in 1 dB steps, ten divisions displayed
Reference Level Range: –150 dBm to +30 dBm
Attenuator Resolution: 0 to 55 dB, 5.0 dB steps
Amplitude Units: Log Scale Modes: dBW, dBm, dBμW, dBV, dBmV, dBμV, dBA, dBmA, dBμALinear Scale Modes: nV, V, mV, V, kV, nW, W, mW, W, kW, nA, A, mA, A
Amplitude Accuracy (Single sine wave, input power < Ref level and > DANL, Attenuation: Auto, Ambient: –10 °C to 50 °C after 30 minute warm-up)
9 kHz to 100 kHz: ± 2.0 dB typical (Preamp Off)
> 100 kHz to 4.0 GHz: ± 1.25 dB, ± 0.5 dB typical
> 4.0 GHz to 6 GHz:± 1.50 dB, ± 0.5 dB typical
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL) Preamp Off: (Reference Level –20 dBm)
(RBW = 1 Hz, 0 dB attenuation)Maximum Typical
10 MHz to 2.4 GHz–141 dBm–146 dBm
> 2.4 GHz to 4 GHz–137 dBm–141 dBm
> 4 GHz to 5 GHz–134 dBm–138 dBm
> 5 GHz to 6 GHz–126 dBm–131 dBm
(RBW = 10 Hz, 0 dB attenuation)
10 MHz to 2.4 GHz–131 dBm–136 dBm
> 2.4 GHz to 4 GHz–127 dBm–131 dBm
> 4 GHz to 5 GHz–124 dBm–128 dBm
> 5 GHz to 6 GHz–116 dBm–121 dBm
Preamp On: (Reference Level –50 dBm)
Maximum Typical
–157 dBm–162 dBm
–154 dBm–159 dBm
–150 dBm–155 dBm
–143 dBm–150 dBm
–147 dBm–152 dBm
–144 dBm–149 dBm
–140 dBm–145 dBm
–133 dBm–140 dBm
Spurs Residual Spurious: < –90 dBm (RF input terminated, 0 dB input attenuation, > 10 MHz)
Input-Related Spurious: < –75 dBc (0 dB attenuation, –30 dBm input, span < 1.7 GHz, carrier offset > 4.5 MHz)
Exceptions, typical: < –70 dBc @ < 2.5 GHz with 2072.5 MHz Input
< –68 dBc @ F1 – 280 MHz with F1 Input< –70 dBc @ F1 + 190.5 MHz with F1 Input
< –52 dBc @ 7349 – 2F2 MHz with F2 Input, where F2 < 2437.5 MHz
< –55 dBc @ 190.5 ± F1/2 MHz, F1 < 1 GHz
Third-Order Intercept (TOI) (Preamp Off, –20 dBm tones, 100 kHz apart, 10 dB attenuation)
800 MHz: +16 dBm
2400 MHz: +20 dBm
200 MHz to 2200 MHz: +25 dBm typical
> 2.2 GHz to 5.0 GHz: +28 dBm typical
> 5.0 GHz to 6.0 GHz:+33 dBm typical
Second Harmonic Distortion (Preamp Off, 0 dB input attenuation, –30 dBm input)
50 MHz: –56 dBc
> 50 MHz to 200 MHz: –60 dBc typical>
200 MHz to 3000 MHz: –70 dBc typical
VSWR 2:1 typical


Anritsu S412E LMR Master


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